sâmbătă, 19 iulie 2008



His name is David Remes, and he's a lawyer. He represents 16 Yemeni prisoners held at the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba. He took his trousers off during a news conference in Sanaa, Yemen, July 14, 2008. He resigned today because of this show off in Yemen. Well, I remember a trainer I had some time ago, who told me that if you do not get attention to your cause, you do not use the right means of protesting. Werll, if the world hadn't given a shit on the 16 Yemeni prisoners in Gunatanamo, now the whole world knows about them. So I'd pay this guy a great deal of money if he were my lawyar.

And, nice underpants I might say. And since we're speaking about underwear, here are some Romanian underpants our Antena3 correspondent used for a stand up during the floods in his hometown. Nobody knew him before this shoot. Now we all know him. I hope you all get my advice.

Reporterul amfibie :)
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3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

So your advice is...if I want to become well known I should show my underwear in public and in front of camera's. Hey it worked for them. Why not give it a shot! Thanks for the advice, Ana. :)

ioska spunea...

:) good advice

Ana Maria Luca spunea...

Well, Remes was already famous in his lawyar's world. But now he's even more famous. At least now people in Romania know about him. And Romania is something like Mypos ( the island Balki comes from in perfect strangers) for most people. So ya, showing your underwear can be a great thing for your carreer. Remember Paris Hilton? Now, she had the guts to show even more than some underwear. Ande look now how famous SHE is!