vineri, 2 noiembrie 2007

Statement of Purpose

I promised I wouldn't write news here. But it seems news i all I know how to do. Well, ya, I had no idea what I was to write about on this blog when I started it. But lately I feel like letting it all out. I haven't written anything worth while in a few years. Just reports everyday. For a while it was enough, but now it seems life has run me over leaving me in a chair in front of the computer. (Raise your hand if you feel the same. I know you do.)

I miss the days in my hometown while I was in highschool and all I had to do is read, study, listen to rock music and, most of the time, dream. Ok, I agree, I couldn't do it again. Big cities are tiresome and addincting. I wouldn't last for a week in a small town in the country. But I have the right to miss it. Not it, actually. I miss myself, my old self. The one who wanted to travell, to know people, talk to them and write their stories. So, ya, here is an idea. I will write people's stories on this blog. Daily life protraits, people I meet everyday at the office, in the bus, on the street. Where ever.

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