joi, 14 februarie 2008


I told you nothing was going to happen today. Well ya, it was spectacular. Some 300 000 people carrying the Lebanese flag and as many pictures of late Hariri in the Martyrs Square. All done at about 1 pm.
Then the funeral. Nasrallah made one of his lately rare public apearances. It seems he wasn't afraid he'd be assassinated. He had nothing to fear with all the army in the area.
Well, yeah, nothing was to happen today. It was after all a funeral, lots of people were there, even the Iranian Foreign Minister - he had to come, he's the guy with the money, right? Nasrallah declared open war to Israel. Yeah, so? Israel brought more troups to the Lebanese border. "Tension in the Middle East, Lebanon devided". The world started to smell blood. And it IS going to be blood. But not Nasrallah's , who's actually selling cheap rose perfume, his own brand, and pictures of himself. Some stupid young infatuated militant is gonna bow himself up, or launch some cheap missile into Israel and then it all starts again.

Un comentariu:

ioska spunea...

Nasrallah is the most turbulence man in Lebanon. His future died is the most better event for lebanon peoples